Thursday, January 27, 2011

"Rasmussen's Revenge"


"Rasmussen's Revenge"

"Nute Avenue lived his entire, lengthy 274 day existence in the projects of Glasgow. Nute led a mostly neurotic life. Bolting from cavern to drain, bush to tree, evading the “elements”. There were four predictable elements: 1) the irons, 2) the stalks, 3) the rain and of course 4) the torturers. Nute constantly strayed away from his home nest. Not on purpose of course. At least that’s what he told the local Rasmussen Committee. Nute had no comfort in his life and constantly contemplated ending it all. These weren’t necessarily desires out of angst and depression but out of the soothing thought of comfortable silence. On January 1st, 2018, Nute decided it was time and waited in the middle of the street outside the station at Edinburgh Waverly for 17 hours. Despite encounters with several “irons”, Nute still found himself in the middle of this god-forsaken street. Eventually, Nute buried himself in layers of thought, as he often did, wondering what it was all worth. He had lived through the death of all 37 of his children and all of his lovers. He also lived to see terrible things that for whatever reason, he just couldn’t shake; even though for all intents and purposes, he should have had a remarkably feeble memory. These memories tortured him. In the middle of one of his inundating, multi-layered thoughts, an unknown “fifth” element came and took Nute away. The whispers of cockroaches tell the story of Nute Avenue and the fifth element, but no one can be sure of what really happened."

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