Sunday, October 31, 2010

I don't want anything to do with that


The quote that I send you today is from a song by a French band called La Rue Kétanou. If you're at all into hippie French music with accordion accompaniment, look them up. They're pretty amazing.

The quote is as follows:

Il y en a qui travaille comme des fous 
pour se payer des clous 
à clouer sur leur feuille de vie 
mais la mort est sans bagages. 
Moi de tout cela je ne veux rien, les poches vides et le coeur plein d'amour.

(Somewhat loose) Translation:

There are those among us who work like crazy
to have the money to buy nails
to nail down the leaf that is their life
but death doesn't let you bring baggage.
I don't want anything to do with that, (I want) empty pockets and a heart full of love.

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