Sunday, October 3, 2010

Excerpt from Chapter 13


"After slowing his pace to a stumbling halt, limbs contorting through the air from the inertia after minutes of dead sprinting, John finally focused in on his surroundings. Panting like a boxer, he noticed the rapid pace of the current he was running alongside the entire time. Leaning over with his sweaty palms resting on his knees, he could see the water relentlessly curling over the pebbles along the bank. The creek was clearly not interested in resting anytime soon, John thought to himself. Feeling slightly defeated by the creek, he slowly brought his body down onto a boulder. John was convinced they were at least two miles back. Something about the mossy, piney smell of this stretch of the woods convinced him to stop and take a moment to breathe it in. The aroma reminded him of the small ridge on the side of his house growing up. The thought of this made his chest sink because he knew there could be no chance to experience that again. He knew he couldn't think that far ahead yet. It would only get him in trouble. The circumstances of the here and now dictated that he get to the end of this thing before the rest showed up. John turned back to the creek as if it would provide some sort of distraction or resolution. It gave him nothing but a cold reminder that he needed to continue rumbling forward...thoughts, emotions and memories were human hindrances..."

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