Thursday, October 21, 2010

Chapter 2 and a dash of inspiration


"Excerpt from Ch. 2"

“Ok right. So because she wants to get coffee with you, that means she wants to fuck you.”
“No. That’s not what I’m saying.”
“Then what are you saying?”
“Woah. Ok no. I’m just saying that I think she is into me.”
“Ok. So there’s probably a 20% chance of that..”
“That’s it?”
“Well. There’s a 99.9% chance she just wants to get coffee with you….20% of that is she’s into you,”
“Wait ok. .. where’s the other 30?”
“No. Other 40. 100% of the ‘she’s into you 20%” is in the 99.9% of ‘she just wants to get fucking coffee.”
“Ok. So you’re basically saying that there is a .1% chance she wants to fuck me then?”
“No no no. Ok. ….What is with that myth that women just never want to fuck?  Don’t.. sell yourself short. I’d guess that at least 10% of the remaining 79.9% of the ‘she just wants to get coffee’ is ‘she just wants to get coffee, but she has happened to also think about doing naughty things with you’,”
“ok….so what is the other .1%?”
“Well. You’re forgetting what you originally said. I never said that it is absolutely untrue that by asking you for coffee she is trying to send you the message that she wants to fuck you. That could most definitely be true. Perhaps in her upbringing or her culture in a previous life, she was taught that the sacred coffee bean symbolizes sex and that by getting coffee with someone, she is telling them that you must do it. And or she could just have this crazy coffee fetish and like, this is a big deal for her to be getting coffee with you and she knows that she’s not even gonna be able to stop herself from jumping you right there….just spilling coffee everywhere. Burning. …And she likes the burning…These are all possibilities. There are probably even more that involve coffee as a direct message for sex, but I just can’t think of them. I would put all of those at something like .05%. …. ….You can round that up to .1”

If you've made the mistake of reading this far, I will treat you with a rare cherry on top. I am not usually one for the short inspirational quotes, but I feel like I need to step out of my comfort zone here. This is something that I just really love:

It is never too late to be whoever you want to be.

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